Displaying 1 to 50 (of 237 Products)

A Catholic Catechism - by Father Groening
For the Parochial and Sunday Schools in the United States. by Rev. James Groenings from the back cover: This Catechism was written principally for...
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A Child's Rule of Life by Robert Hugh Benson
by Robert Hugh Benson. A real treasure for young and old! Big children and small will be inspired by the rhymes and the profuse use of line drawings,...
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A History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland
By William Cobbett Though written by a Protestant (between 1824 and 1827), this book has been repeatedly reprinted by Catholic publishers because of...
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A Mother's Holy Hour by Father Mateo
A very touching , special Holy Hour to honor Mothers. "For A Mother Watching Beside the Bed of Her Child." Taken from Holy Hours by Rev....
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A Novena to Pope Pius X by Father Lovasik
by Father Lovasik. First printed with Imprimatur in 1954, 40 page booklet. This booklet is written to further devotion to one of the greatest of...
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A Voice from the Tabernacle - or Reflections and Prayer in Honor of the Blessed Sacrament
Beginning with a literal voice from the tabernacle, this book seeks to bring readers back closer to Christ. In what would be the preface, readers get...
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Advice on Prayer for Children by Msgr. De Segur
This book is a brief primer to introduce young minds to the important but often difficult to explain concept of prayer. In easily understood...
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All Souls Novena
A novena is to be said for 9 days. This novena gives one or two mysteries from the traditional rosary to meditate upon for each day for All Souls in...
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Angel City - Father Brennan
A Book for Children from Six to Sixty by Father Gerald T. Brennan. The popular author of children’s books has written what every priest and...
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Behold Thy Mother By Rev. Alexis M. Lepicier, O.S.M.
Behold Thy Mother Nine Discourses Illustrative of the ‘Hail Mary’. by the Very Rev. Alexis Henry M. Cardinal Lepicier, O.S.M. from back...
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Bless This Day Oh Lord by Rev. A. Zurbonsen
A manual of Catholic devotions with Mass for bridegroom and bride; containing prayers, devotions, and litanies that every Catholic should know. This...
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Bookmark - Holy Family Nativity
Prayer on reverse: A Christmas Blessing May all the days of all the years that God has still in store, be filled with every joy and grace to bless...
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Bookmark - Send Your Angel to Mass - 10 pack
Prayer on back: "Send Your Angel to Holy Mass Jesus is much pleased when little children go to Holy Mass every day. If you cannot go, say this...
Max: 10

Cards - Angels of the Lord Birthday Assortment
12 cards per box, assorted with 4 designs. Bristol stock.
... more infoMax: 1

Cards - Angels of the Lord Get Well 12 Card Assortment
12 cards per box, assorted with 4 designs. Bristol stock.
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Catholic Life
The Feasts, Fasts, Devotions of the Ecclesiastical Year. The Church, being empowered by Christ to regulate Divine worship, has established Christian...
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Catholic Quiz Book
by Herbert A. Kenny, A.B. & Geoffrey P Keane, A.B., M.D. from the back cover: Fun for all ages! Share a fun and spiritually educational night...
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Christopher's Talks to Catholic Parents
by: Fr. David L. Greenstock from the back cover: To The Holy Family Model for Catholic Parents and Children this books is respectfully dedicated...
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Christopher's Talks to the Little Ones
by Fr. David L. Greenstock Don't let the cover fool you. This is an excellent book to teach the truths of the faith to our children and...
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Conferences to Children on Practical Virtue
From the French of Abbe P. Verdries. From the back cover: This booklet contains 14 chapters on various virtues to include Obedience, Work, Piety,...
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Consecration of a Child to the Virgin Mary
This booklet gives the parents' consecration formula with a brief explanation of the importance of the act on the back. The booklet also serves...
$2.50 $2.25Save: 10% off
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Consoling Thoughts of St. Francis de Sales
Gathered from his writings and arranged in order by Rev. Pére Huguet. Many sick and wounded souls have found in these sweet and affecting...
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Dear Grad by Fr. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.
A Booklet to Take Along Into Life by Fr. Daniel A. Lord, S.J. from the back cover: "God bless you all . . . and may the Lord have mercy on...
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Devotion to the Miraculous Infant of Prague
Devotion To The Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague - Containing a History of its Origin and Propagation With a Novena, a Litany, and Other Prayers. In...
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Devotion to the Precious Blood by Rev. M. F. Walz
Written to supply instruction on this fruitful devotion, it has proven to be a valuable handbook and serviceable prayer book for all Catholics, lay...
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Devotion to the Sacred Heart
Object, Ends, Practice, Motives. by Louis Verheylezoon, S.J. This treastise is neither a book for mere reading nor a ‘devotional book’....
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Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena by St. Catherine of Siena
St Catherine of Siena's Dialogue describes the entire spiritual life through a series of conversations between God and the soul, represented by...
$12.95 $11.66Save: 10% off
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DVD: Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary
Loyal son of a devout French Catholic family. Roman seminarian. Parish priest. African missionary. Missionary bishop. Apostolic delegate. Superior...
$14.95 $12.71Save: 15% off
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Encyclical: Casti Connubii - On Christian Marriage
On Christian Marriage (Pius XI, 1930) Perfect preparation for marriage. Covers the ends of matrimony including the sanctification of the spouses....
$3.95 $3.56Save: 10% off
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Encyclical: Custodi Di Quella Fede - Guardians of That Faith (Leo XIII, 1892)
Guardians of That Faith (Leo XIII, 1892) Addressed to the Italian people warning against the allurements and false promises of the Freemasons. Pope...
$2.75 $2.48Save: 10% off
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Encyclical: Divini Illius Magistri
On Education of Youth (Pius XI, 1929) Principles to be followed by the Church, State, and Family regarding education. Based on nature and revealed...
$4.50 $4.05Save: 10% off
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Encyclical: Ecclesiae Fastos - Pius XII, 1954; On St. Boniface.
Pius XII, 1954; On St. Boniface. Pope Pius XII tells the riveting story of the life of the English Benedictine, St. Boniface, who became the apostle...
$3.25 $2.93Save: 10% off
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Encyclical: Fulgens Radiatur - Pius XII, 1947; On St. Benedict.
Pius XII, 1947; On St. Benedict. Pope Pius XII writes on the life, times and the message of the great Father of Western Monasticism: St. Benedict....
$3.25 $2.93Save: 10% off
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Encyclical: Libertas Praestantissimum - On Human Liberty (Leo XIII, 1888)
On Human Liberty ( Leo XIII, 1888 ) Liberty - one of the world's most misunderstood concepts is put into its true Catholic perspective. 34pp.
$5.00 $4.50Save: 10% off
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Encyclical: Mediator Dei - On the Sacred Liturgy (Pius XII, 1947)
On the Sacred Liturgy (Pius XII, 1947) A reprimand to innovators. Nature of Liturgy, especially the Mass. Eucharistic worship. Divine Office...
$4.05 $3.65Save: 10% off
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Encyclical: Mens Nostra - Pope Pius XI On the Promotion of the Spiritual Exercises.
Pope Pius XI On the Promotion of the Spiritual Exercises. Pope Pius XI reminds us who live in a world inundated with materialism and external...
$3.25 $2.93Save: 10% off
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Encyclical: Mortalium Animos - On True Religious Unity (Pius XI, 1928)
On True Religious Unity (Pius XI, 1928) Why a loose unity among men on basic beliefs is false unity. True ecumenism is conversion to Catholicism....
$2.50 $2.25Save: 10% off
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Encyclical: Mystici Corporis - On the Mystical Body of Christ (Pius XII, 1943)
On the Mystical Body of Christ (Pius XII, 1943) Explanation of this doctrine. The Catholic Church: its unity, role of hierarchy, Sacraments,...
$3.95 $3.56Save: 10% off
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Encyclical: Qui Pluribus - On Faith and Religion (Pius IX, 1846)
On Faith and Religion (Pius IX, 1846) Raises the alert to the errors of the day: liberalism, Freemasonry, rationalism, pantheism, naturalism,...
$3.95 $3.56Save: 10% off
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Encyclical: Quo Graviora - Condemnation of Freemasonry (Leo XII, 1826)
Condemnation of Freemasonry (Leo XII, 1826) Forbids the faithful from joining these secret societies which attack the Catholic Church. See also...
$3.95 $3.56Save: 10% off
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Encyclical: Quo Primum & De Defectibus Promulgation of the Tridentine Rite (Saint Pius V, 1570)
Promulgation of the Tridentine Rite (Saint Pius V, 1570) Brief but important document from Pope Saint Pius V giving the full weight of papal...
$3.95 $3.56Save: 10% off
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Encyclical: Satis Cognitum - Pope Leo XIII On The Unity of the Church.
Pope Leo XIII On The Unity of the Church . "That they may be one" - "Ut unum sint" has been the rallying cry of Churchmen since...
$4.25 $3.83Save: 10% off
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Enjoy the Mass by Albert H. Dolan, O. Carm.
by Albert H. Dolan, O. Carm. The Mass explained by Q & A. This pamphlet is a condensation of nineteen sermons given in explanation of the Mass....
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Eventually, Why Not Now?
An appeal to the good sense of souls to put the right premium on the only business in life that counts. Food for thought in a Retreat. You are...
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Fairest Flower of Paradise - Considerations on Litany of Loreto
by Rev. Alexis Henry M. Cardinal Lepicier, O.S.M. from the publisher: Considerations on the Litany of the Blessed Virgin, enriched with examples...
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Father Finn: That Office Boy by Fr. Francis J. Finn, S.J. (softcover)
Michael Desmond reads the morning paper and is drawn into a series of adventures and undreamed-of complications, incessant work, and trilling...
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Father Francis X Lasance: Holy Souls Book edited by Rev. F.X. Lasance (softcover)
Reflections on Purgatory edited by Rev. F.X. Lasance A Complete Prayer-book Including Special Prayers and Devotions in Behalf of the Poor Souls in...
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Father Francis X Lasance: Lift Up Your Hearts edited by Fr. F.X. Lasance
Scriptural Maxims and Spiritual Reading for Every Day in the Year. Meditations and Considerations for the Monthly Recollection and the Annual...
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Father Francis X Lasance: My God and My All - A Prayer Book for Children by Rev. Francis Xavier Lasance
Prayer book for Children edited by Rev. F.X. Lasance . “I have prepared this little book for your special benefit. I hope it will help you love...
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Displaying 1 to 50 (of 237 Products)
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The Sinner's Return to God by Rev. Fr. Michael Mueller C.SS.R. dinged corner
$15.95 $12.76Save: 20% off