You Shall Find Rest - Rev. John Kearney

A Sequel to “My Yoke is Sweet”.

Further Material for Meditation of the Spiritual Life,  by Rev. John Kearney.

from the Introduction:
“You shall find rest for your souls.” These words of Jesus, God Incarnate, Absolute Truth make us pause – they imply a promise of assurance.  Let us listen to Him giving us the full answer to the question of mankind in our day: “Come to Me all ye that labour and are burdened and I will refresh you.  Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for I am meek and humble of heart. And you shall find rest for your souls. For My joke is sweet and My burden is light. (Matt. xi, 28-30). In these most impressive, most tender words Our Lord make three requests and He makes three promises. He invites us to come to Him, to take up His yoke and to learn of Him how to bear it. And then He makes these promises: I will refresh you; you shall find rest for your souls; My yoke is sweet and My burden light. Here the Master Himself gives us a complete instruction on spiritual life; He teaches us how we are to live, what we have to do as the condition of reaching the happiness for we were created – happiness in this life and in the next. The words of Our Lord are an answer to the question of the frenzied world today. For the world of our time is ever seeking for that which will give rest. This book, like all of Father Kearney's books, is easy to understand and enjoyable to read.

Imprimatur, 1938. 341 pp. PB.

  • Model: M6-N-REST

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