Guidance for Motherhood, Fatherhood, Childhood, Marriage, Vocations, Character Formation, Holy Family Life
Family Life
Displaying 1 to 41 (of 41 Products)

A Child's Rule of Life by Robert Hugh Benson
by Robert Hugh Benson. A real treasure for young and old! Big children and small will be inspired by the rhymes and the profuse use of line drawings,...
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A Mother's Holy Hour by Father Mateo
A very touching , special Holy Hour to honor Mothers. "For A Mother Watching Beside the Bed of Her Child." Taken from Holy Hours by Rev....
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Angel Food for Boys and Girls (individual books)
Angel Food For Boys & Girls by Father Gerald T. Brennan ; These four Angel Food books, frosted with Christ-like charm, simplicity, and attractive...
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Audio CD: Ladies' Retreat 2010 (Set of 10 CDs)
Perfect for a retreat at home even if spread out during many days. These talks will bring your heart closer to Our Lord and set your feet on the path...

Bless This Day Oh Lord by Rev. A. Zurbonsen
A manual of Catholic devotions with Mass for bridegroom and bride; containing prayers, devotions, and litanies that every Catholic should know. This...
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Catholic Family Living Activity Packet: Baptism
Baptism and the Renewal of Baptismal Promises This activity book will help you prepare for the sacrament of Baptism and for the annual celebration of...

Catholic Family Living Activity Packet: Catholic Halloween
softcover 8 1/2" x 11" 50 pages From the Introduction: "All Hallow's Eve (Halloween), All Saints' Day, and All...
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Catholic Life
The Feasts, Fasts, Devotions of the Ecclesiastical Year. The Church, being empowered by Christ to regulate Divine worship, has established Christian...
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Catholic Practice at Church at Home by Rev. Alexander L. A. Lauder
At Church and At Home. The Parishioner’s Little Rule-Book. A Guide for Catholics in the External Practice of Their Holy Religion. This little...
$19.90 $17.91Save: 10% off

Catholic Quiz Book
by Herbert A. Kenny, A.B. & Geoffrey P Keane, A.B., M.D. from the back cover: Fun for all ages! Share a fun and spiritually educational night...
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Christian Mother
THE CHRISTIAN MOTHER: the Education of Her Children and Her Prayer from the German of Rev. W. Cramer translated by a Father of the Society of Jesus....

Christopher's Talks to Catholic Parents
by: Fr. David L. Greenstock from the back cover: To The Holy Family Model for Catholic Parents and Children this books is respectfully dedicated...
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Christopher's Talks to the Little Ones
by Fr. David L. Greenstock Don't let the cover fool you. This is an excellent book to teach the truths of the faith to our children and...
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Conferences to Children on Practical Virtue
From the French of Abbe P. Verdries. From the back cover: This booklet contains 14 chapters on various virtues to include Obedience, Work, Piety,...
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Dear Grad by Fr. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.
A Booklet to Take Along Into Life by Fr. Daniel A. Lord, S.J. from the back cover: "God bless you all . . . and may the Lord have mercy on...
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Do You Say Your Prayers Well, My Children
This beautifully illustrated prayer book is not just for children. It includes morning and evening prayers, the Divine Praises, prayers of...
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Holy Thoughts for Everyday in the Month - St. Alphonsus Liguori
Some Additional Practices of Catholic Devotion drawn from the works of St. Alphonsus Maria De Liguori. Each day of the month contains a Morning...
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How to Stay Young
Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J. Anybody can stay young if he or she really wants to and is willing to do a bit of work for it. It’s chiefly a matter...
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Jesus Christ the King of our Hearts by Cardinal Lepicier, O.S.M.
Jesus Christ the King of Our Hearts Elevations on the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus by the Very Rev. Alexis Henry M. Cardinal Lepicier, O.S.M. In this...
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Leaflet: 15 Quotes on Modesty
The 15 quotations listed in chronological order in this leaflet will be of great use to those persons eager to understand the position of the...

Leaflet: A Single Life Vocation
A wonderful look at the single life vocation, something very rarely considered today. This shows how teenagers (or any age really) may consider this...

Leaflet: Cardinal Siri on Women Wearing Men's Dress
In 1960 Cardinal Siri wrote these instructions and warnings concerning women wearing men's dress. Includes: how male dress changes the psychology...

Leaflet: Marylike Attire for Church & Sacred Place
A set of directives given to us describing just what is appropriate for Mass and Sacred Places. Imprimatur. A must!

Lent for Children - a Thought a Day by a Religious of the Cenacle
Foreword: Christ wishes us to remain as little children. Does that mean we must never grow up: never get taller and stronger: never stop going to...
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Memoirs of a Guardian Angel by M.L’ Abbe G. Chardon
These Memoirs are a gallery of paintings in which is brought into view the Catholic doctrine on the ministry of Guardians Angels. An angel here tells...
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Mirror of True Womanhood: Instruction for Women in the World
by Rt. Rev. Monsignor Bernard O'Reilly, D.D., L.D. from the back cover: This work is "fitted for our times. It will be of vast service to...
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On Character
by Very Rev. J. Guibert, S.S. from the back cover: This book is not a scientific treatise but an essay on morals. The art of living is the thing...
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On the Threshold of Eternity
Preparation for Death to be made each Month by The Rev. Emile Bauduin, Redemptorist This Preparation for Death was not originally intended for...
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Our Father by Rev. Alexis Henry M. Cardinal Lepicier, O.S.M.
by Alexis Cardinal Lepicier, O.S.M. Impr 1936. Cardinal Lepicier is the author of other great books such as: "Jesus Christ The King of Our...
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Parenthood - The Most Important Profession in the World
The most important profession in the world. by Fr. Daniel A. Lord, S.J. This booklet is for parents, future parents, potential parents, and those...
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The Backbiting Tongue
by Father Belet. Saint James tells us, "The tongue is a world of iniquity.'' (James 3:6) Without a doubt, the most poisonous tongue of...
$5.95 $5.36Save: 10% off
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The Death of Christian Culture
Dr. John Senior deals with the root causes of how and why Christian culture is dying. He approaches the subject through an in-depth study of...
$25.55 $23.00Save: 10% off
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The Dutiful Child from the German of Rev. F. X. Wetzel.
From the first chapter, “God looks down with love upon a child saying its prayers. Good people rejoice at the sight, and it has been known that...

The Liberal Illusion by Louis Veuillot
Louis Veuillot's mid-19th century condemnation of liberal Catholicism throws a flood of light on the crisis of Church and world following on the...
$14.95 $12.71Save: 15% off
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The Man Who Was Really Santa Claus by Fr. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.
by Fr. Daniel A. Lord, S.J. from back cover: Learn the truth, that there really was a Santa Claus, that the real Santa was a great Catholic Bishop...

The Polite Pupil
With pleasure we present this little book to Christian educators, to be placed in the hands of their pupils. The compilations of the work has been a...
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The Valiant Woman: Conferences for Women by Monseigneur Landriot
by Monseigneur Landriot (Archbishop of Rheims) Conferences for Women Long out of print, this rare jewel is destined to become the favored spiritual...

True Men As We Need Them
A Book of Instruction for Men in the World. by Rev. Bernard O' Rielly, L.D. From the Author’s Preface: “The hearty welcome...
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Unto Us a Child is Given - A Catholic Baby Record Book
Imprimatur 1952. Beautiful baby book with pages for entries like: Family Tree, My Baptism, Milestones, First Prayers, My First School, and My First...
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When, Whom & How to Marry
by the Rev. C. McNeiry, C.Ss.R. from the back cover: This little book is meant to help young people who as yet do not know to what state of life...
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You Shall Find Rest - Rev. John Kearney
A Sequel to “My Yoke is Sweet”. Further Material for Meditation of the Spiritual Life, by Rev. John Kearney. from the...
Displaying 1 to 41 (of 41 Products)